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Los Angeles infant sleep consulting client sleeping in her bed

Little Sleepers - Los Angeles, CA

Providing sleep consulting for newborns, toddlers, and young children and ensuring healthy sleep for the little ones in LA and beyond.

Why Choose Little Sleepers in Los Angeles, CA?

It can be exhausting and overwhelming when your little ones struggle with sleep. The hustle and bustle and social pressures of Los Angeles don’t make it any easier. Annika, the founder of Little Sleepers, is a mother of three herself and knows firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate the world of sleep with a newborn. Her knowledge as a mother, combined with 20+ years of experience as a sleep consultant, can help your family overcome the sleep issues you have been facing. Book a complimentary consultation today to find out more about how Little Sleepers can solve your family’s sleep once and for all.

Comparison of Little Sleepers in Los Angeles, CA to other Sleep Consulting Services

Every parent wants the best for their child and it should be no different when it comes to sleep. Little Sleepers is a leading sleep consulting service in Los Angeles, California, providing sleep coaching for families who value and yearn for healthy sleep habits for their children. Unlike other sleep consulting services that take a one-size-fits-all approach, Little Sleepers offers custom-tailored sleep solutions that take into account a myriad of personal factors. Annika’s warm and caring approach has led to success for hundreds of LA families. Sign up for a complimentary consultation and start your child’s journey to becoming a terrific little sleeper.

Benefits of Choosing Little Sleepers in Los Angeles, CA

Adequate sleep is essential for good physical and emotional health and proper cognitive functioning. As a parent, it is important to ensure your child gets the restful sleep they need to thrive, but it's often easier said than done. Many babies and young children struggle to establish healthy sleep routines and parents can struggle to help them.  Annika understands these issues intimately and established Little Sleepers to share her expertise with families in LA and around the world.. Choosing Little Sleepers means choosing a warm and caring approach to healthy sleep. Your child will wake up each day feeling refreshed and energized. Knowing your child is happy, healthy, and ready to take on the world will also give you peace of mind and cheer your mood. Don’t sleep on this opportunity.

1. Convenient Virtual Services

Annika offers virtual sleep consultations to make sleep coaching sessions accessible to families in LA and around the world. With virtual consultation services, you can get the expert help you need from the comfort of your own home. It also enables you to have access to support and guidance regarding your child’s sleep throughout the process. Appointment scheduling is done online and Annika will work with you to find a convenient time for the initial consultation and subsequent appointments.

2. Experienced Consulting Services

Annika's 20+ years of experience in infant and child sleep consulting practice gives her deep expertise in solving all kinds of sleep issues. She has helped more than one thousand families enjoy the benefits of better sleep for their little ones. She has seen it all and has developed powerful tools, tips, and tricks to resolve even tricky sleep issues.

3. More than One Thousand Happy Clients

Annika uses an evidence-based approach to ensure every child and family in LA and beyond receives the best possible care. She combines the latest scientific findings with her extensive experience to develop a customized approach for each child. Annika has worked with more than a thousand families who appreciate her for her calm and gentle approach across their children’s process.


“Annika changed our lives and enabled us to give our baby the greatest gift- the ability to sleep and self-soothe.” - Mom of Taylor, 4 months old


“Annika's help has been invaluable. We thought our baby was just a bad sleeper, but after a week of working with Annika, our baby was sleeping 12 hours with no interruptions!” - Mom of Ezra, 5 months old


Check out the testimonials what other clients have to say about Annika and her approach to child sleep.

4. Unlimited Support

When it comes to sleep training for newborns, having a supportive and knowledgeable expert on your side is a great help. Annika provides ongoing support to clients across the consultation service, helping parents stay on track. She checks in daily with you to monitor your child’s progress and adjust the plan as necessary.

5. Customized Sleep Plans

Annika's consulting services go beyond simply giving advice. She takes the time to understand each family's unique situation to develop sleep plans that are tailored to meet their child's needs. She believes every child is different and that a generic sleep plan doesn’t address families’ needs adequately. Depending on age, temperament, and developmental stage, children require varying hours of sleep and wake periods across the day. Annika works closely with you to devise a healthy sleep routine that works for your individual child.

Little Sleepers' SUCCESS STORIES: Mabel

Mabel´s Story

1. How was Mabel’s sleep before you found Little Sleepers?

Mabel was waking up a few times at night or sometimes very early in the morning and would not want to go to sleep. She was ready to start the day! And the few times that nursing back to sleep actually worked, she would wake up shortly afterward. Naps were 30 minutes long and nowhere near what she needed to be fully rested.

A mother pushes a stroller with her sleeping newborn down the streets of Los Angeles

2. What did you try before you hired Annika as a sleep consultant?

We tried following the Taking Cara babies plan and it only worked until she was 5 months old. We also tried nursing to sleep because that’s what my family had suggested and it never worked!

3. How were your child’s sleep issues impacting your family before you worked with Little Sleepers?

I was always on edge, overtired, arguing with my husband, and wasn’t enjoying my time with my baby. I felt like I was going crazy, to be honest. We were not happy.


I was feeling hopeless and ready for something to change. I was taking Mabel for car naps all around Los Angeles or stroller naps and had absolutely no time for myself. LA is not really a kid friendly place. There are few parks around and most are crowded or not safe, so I felt isolated. I didn’t have family or friends to help, so I knew something needed to change. I started researching sleep consultants and then a family member suggested we contact Annika at Little Sleepers. 

4. By the end of your four weeks of working with Annika, how was your family doing?

Mabel was a different baby by the end of our time working with Annika. She was less whiny and irritable. Wow! She was happy and so were we! I only wish we had contacted Annika sooner!  Life is so much better now. Mabel’s naptime and bedtime are predictable. She puts herself to sleep and is always happy and ready to go to sleep. We all do well with her routine and couldn’t be more thankful for Annika’s help. She’s amazing! Mabel wakes up rested and so do we!

5. What would you tell another parent who is thinking of working with Annika Brindley? 

Do not hesitate and contact Annika now. Don’t wait! This is the best investment we have ever made. She’s there not only to help with your baby’s sleep schedule but any other parenting questions. Her plan is so detailed and comprehensive, you never have any doubts. And if you do, she’s there to help every step of the way. We are forever grateful to have met Annika!

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