Little Sleepers’
Approach to Sleep Consulting
Photo by yellowhale
My Sleep Philosophy is Simple
Children need to be taught how to sleep.
Children need to learn how to self-soothe.
Children deserve to understand what is expected of them.
Children need love, nurturing, and support while learning new sleep skills.
Children need parents to believe in their limitless ability to learn and grow.
Sleep is possible for all.
No two children’s sleep problems are identical. Parents (and their children!) experience frustration when they try to solve sleep challenges using a one-size-fits-all approach.

Most parents contact me after reading three to five sleep books, taking an online course, or hiring a consultant who implements a standardized “sleep system.” Situations arise during sleep work that books fail to mention. And many books present conflicting methods. How is an exhausted parent supposed to figure out what method is best for them? How can an exhausted parent read and absorb the concepts in these books?
Often, two days into choosing a method, things are not going exactly as the book said they would. Parents wonder, why is my child not sleeping like “so and so” who lives down the street? Her parents said that it only took her an hour to learn and they were done. Tired parents are left with self-doubt. They worry that they are failing and “doing it all wrong.” They often want to give up almost as fast as they began. Parents ask: why does it seem so hard to figure out how to get my child to sleep? Shouldn’t I know how to do this?
Crying does not produce sleep. Sleep is a learned skill. Learning a new skill is frustrating. Frustration produces crying.
A note on crying. “Will there be crying?” is a question I am often asked. This is a valid question. As parents, we are not hard-wired to hear our babies cry.
Little Sleepers’ goal is to have the least amount of crying possible. We achieve this by creating a consistent approach to sleep that is personalized to your family. You will have my dedicated support while we implement your personalized plan and we will together adjust that plan based on your child’s day-today response.

Sleep is an essential part of a child's physical and psychological growth and development. The goal of Little Sleepers is to provide you with an instructive, nurturing and individualized program that will bring peaceful sleep and happiness to your child and your entire family.

My customized approach to teaching parents to teach their children to sleep works because it is designed to fit each family’s unique circumstances.
Together we will create a feeling of security for your child and make sleep something they love. I personally and directly support each and every family who works with Little Sleepers.